Six hours of exploratory improvisation


January 16, 2017

Monday, February 2, 2017; Helsinki Music Centre, Black Box, from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. Free entry.

An experimental journey inside the long-lasting, narrow ambitus music and its’ influence on the musician and the listeners.

The ancient music culturies around the world are in many cases connected by narrow ambitus and improvisatory elements. The Balto-Finnic music culture with its millenia-roots is an intriguing part of the past and the present. This six-hour-improvisation is an experimental journey inside the brain of a musician while improvising, and the brains of the listeners’ while concentrating on the long-lasting music like this.

Photos: Rimma Lillemägi ja Lasse Karjalainen

Photos: Rimma Lillemägi ja Lasse Karjalainen

The music is performed by Arja Kastinen (Doctor of Music) who is orientated on the centuries old karelian kanteleimprovisation. The EEG-research is made by a group of researches supervised by Mari Tervaniemi, PhD, Director of the Music and Brain -reseach at the University of Helsinki, Cognitive Brain Research Unit. The main objective is to learn how to reliably explore the brain mechanisms during the performances. At the beginning of the event Mari Tervaniemi will briefly tell about the background and the goals of the research.

It is possible for the audience to come and listen whenever during the six hours and leave between the event. In order to ensure the functioning of the EEG measurement equipment the mobiles and all other devices which use bluetooth have to be swithed off before entering the Black Box.

A documentary about karelian wedding, directed by A. O. Väisänen in 1920, will be projected on the back wall of the hall, starting at 7.30 p.m. (lasts for 81 min.). The documentary was publised as DVD in 2006 by Kalevalaseura (The Kalevala Society).

In addition to chairs there will also be pillows on the floor to sit on. The shoes will be left outside the concert hall, so own woolen stockings along! After leaving it is possible to write comments about the experience either right away outside the concert hall or later via email. The event will be recorded and videotaped for research use.

The event has been supported by the Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation.
