Viapori Dockyard – A Bridge To The Future


April 23, 2014

The photo exhibition by Jacopo Brancati will be open at the Suomenlinna museum from April 23, 2014, to March 1, 2015.  The Viapori dockyard in Suomenlinna boasts almost three centuries of uninterrupted activity. Where once galleys and war frigates were built, today ships with historical significance are repaired or restored. The Viapori dockyard is a place where the future is built on historical foundations – a cultural heritage is kept alive for the future. The photo exhibition leads the public to discover the dockyard, telling about men and ships; sounds and music create the atmosphere of the place. The exhibition has been produced by Viaporin Telakka Association.004-web-_JBRANCATI

The sound installation for the exhibition is made by Arja Kastinen. As well as music, the 57 min. track contains also comments from the dockyard workers, sounds of work, the environment sounds from the Suomenlinna island, and scenes from the sailing event “Purjelaivapäivät” in October 2012. (Composition, performing and recording by Arja, the accordion track by Pasi Leino.)