Music & well-being – two special kantele courses in the summer of 2018


December 01, 2017

In the summer of 2018,  we will have two very special kantele weekends, during which we will combine music and the thought of overall well-being.

Kärppälän Rusthollin pihapiiriä

Small kanteles (from 5 through 15 strings) are excellent instruments both for beginners and for advanced musicians. It is easy to enjoy making music with them only after few hours of learning, and at the same time they seem to offer endless possibilities for those who wish to travel deeper in music.

The significance and impact of music on human well-being is undeniably known. During these weekends, we combine music studies with studying overall well-being. We start each day with yoga-based stretching and make rhythmic exercises based on motor skills; we go on a forest trip, research the elements from which our own well-being consists of, and pay attention to how we can add happiness to everyday life. The instructors are Arja Kastinen (Doctor of Music) and  Laura Ruotsalainen (Health Coach).


The courses will be held at Kärppälä’s Rustholli in Lempäälä (Kärppäläntie 50, 37500 Lempäälä), Finland. Tampere-Pirkkala Airport is 13 km away from the course, Lempäälä Railway Station is 7 km away and the bus is 4 km away. We can pick you up at the airport/railway station/bus stop, if you wish so.



  • Beginner’s Course, June 8-10, 2018
  • Intermediate Course, August 10-12, 2018 


  • The courses are for adults who want to learn how to play Finnish kanteles with 5 to 15 strings, and at the same time get refreshed by Finnish nature.
  • Courses are suitable also for those who work in music education.
  • All are welcome to join the Beginner’s Course, including those without previous knowledge of music or the kantele, however, it is expected that attendees to the Intermediate Course have basic kantele playing skills.

It is possible to loan a kantele for the weekend.


At the Beginner’s Course you will learn the basic techniques of how to play the small kanteles, and you will also be encouraged to produce your own music. We will have moments with yoga-based stretching, outline the elements of which our well-being consists, relax and absorb strength from Finnish nature. The 5-string kantele is the best to begin with, but it is also possible to learn the 10 through 15 string kanteles during the Beginner’s Course, if you so wish.

At the Intermediate Course we will be better acquainted with the improvisation and deepen the skills of different playing techniques, and learn about the timbre of the instrument and how you can change it. However, the main focus is still on the personal relationship between the player and the instrument. In addition, we will also more deeply examine the elements of which our mental and physical well-being consists of, and how it is be possible to increase happiness in everyday life. We will also make some physical exercise like yoga-based stretching, and  a small forest trip to absorb strength, peace and energy directly from their source.


To a certain degree, it is possible for the participants to emphasize individually in either the health coaching or the kantele playing segments. There will be an additional opportunity to take part in a pilates session for those who are interested.

Price for the weekend €270/290* includes teaching (10 lessons), accommodation in twin rooms, meals and Saturday sauna. The courses start on Friday at 5pm with dinner, and end on Sunday at 12 noon with lunch.

*The price of the course is influenced by the choice of accommodation. Please see the pictures and information below.


For each course, a maximum of 12 participants can enroll on a first-come, first-serve basis. A binding registration for the Beginner’s Course must be received by April 23, 2018, and for the Intermediate Course by June 18, 2018. Please indicate your name, address, e-mail address, age and kantele request.

Registration and inquiries:


There are rooms for accommodation in the white building (3 twin rooms) and in a smaller building (2 twin rooms upstairs and two beds downstairs). These latter rooms are smaller and thus the price for the weekend is 270 €/person, where as the price in the rooms of the white building is 290 €/person.

Valkoinen talo

The white building.

Keskellä sateenkaarihuoneiston sisäänkäynti.

The entrace to the smaller rooms in the middle.







Valkoisen talon keltainen huone.

A twin room in the white building(#1).

Valkoisen talon vihreä huone.

A twin room in the white building(#2).








Valkoisen talon peräkamari.

A twin room in the white building (#3).

Valkoisen talon sali.

The hall in the white building.







The apartment with the smaller rooms.

Sateenkaarihuoneiston yläparven huone.

A smaller room.